Chemical Sensitivity

Aging and Long-Term Services Department – Aging and Disability Resources Center
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) offers comprehensive information and assistance:
- Information and Referral Assistance
- Benefits Counseling
- Medicaid home and community-based services
- Caregiving
- Respite Care (adult day care, in-home care)
- Attendant and/or Personal Care
- Homemaker services
- Home-delivered meals
- Nutrition Counseling
- Transportation
- Prescription Drug Assistance
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
- Transition Care program helps residents transition from long-term care facilities back into a community setting
- Adult Protective Services
- Long-Term Options Counseling
- Legal information and assistance
Aging and Long-Term Services Department
Phone: 505-476-4799
Toll-free: 866-451-2901
Aging and Disability Resources Center
Phone: 505-476-4846
Toll-free: 800-432-2080