
Adult Protective Services Statewide
Phone: 505-476-4912
Toll-free: 866-654-3219
Aging and Long-Term Services Department - Aging and Disability Resources Center
The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) offers comprehensive information and assistance:
- Information and Referral Assistance
- Benefits Counseling
- Medicaid home and community-based services
- Caregiving
- Respite Care (adult day care, in-home care)
- Attendant and/or Personal Care
- Homemaker services
- Home-delivered meals
- Nutrition Counseling
- Transportation
- Prescription Drug Assistance
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
- Transition Care program helps residents transition from long-term care facilities back into a community setting
- Adult Protective Services
- Long-Term Options Counseling
- Legal information and assistance
- Aging and Long-Term Services Department
- Phone: 505-476-4799
- Toll-free: 866-451-2901
- Website
- Aging and Disability Resources Center
- Phone: 505-476-4846
- Toll-free: 800-432-2080
- Website
Albuquerque and Bernalillo County - Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
The Area Agency on Aging is responsible for implementing and providing a comprehensive array of services, all designated to the highest quality of life for our seniors in the least restrictive living environment.
Phone: 505-764-6400
The New Mexico Chapter is one of over 70 Alzheimer’s Association chapters serving communities across the United States.
Toll-free: 800-272-3900
Memory Care and Related Services in New Mexico has resources related to Alzheimer’s and related dementia conditions in New Mexico.
Non Metro - Area Agency on Aging (AAA)
The Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging provides funding to Senior Programs in every New Mexico County except Bernalillo (which is served by the Albuquerque AAA). Persons 60 years of age or their spouse regardless of age qualify for these services without any income requirement. The services provided can include meals at senior centers, home delivered meals, transportation and homemaker services.
Phone: 505-395-2668
Phone: 1-866-699-4927
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Administration on Community Living
The mission of ACL is to maximize the independence, well-being and health of older adults and people with disabilities across the life-span and their families and caregivers.