Polling place accessibility management begins well before Election Day.
Access is required for disabled and elderly individuals to registration facilities and polling sites for federal, state, and local elections. Federal legislation has been enacted to promote the fundamental right to vote by improving accessibility at polling sites. This includes all elements from, and including, the accessible parking spaces to the voting booth.
Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
The Help America Vote Act (HAVA), signed into law by President Bush on October 9, 2002, was designed to improve the overall voting system in America. Included in HAVA was the seminal requirement for each polling place to have at least one “accessible voting system” to support individuals with disabilities ability to vote privately and independently.
Disability Rights New Mexico (DRNM)
Disability Rights New Mexico (DRNM) is a private, non-profit organization whose mission is to protect, promote and expand the rights of persons with disabilities. DRNM is the designated protection and advocacy program for New Mexico, and as such have authority under federal law to pursue legal, administrative and other remedies on behalf of persons with disabilities.